Favorite Venue to Play at: New Earth Coffee House - Kansas City
Brand of Equipment you use: Epiphone, Red bear head, carvin cab, ernie ball
Future plans (after FIF): Produce in a studio, maybe DJ on the side. Possibly preaching, or speaking
in front of people, not quite sure
What do you like best about being in FIF?: Playing live, trying to connect with the audience and
letting them see in me the emotions expressed and musical gags expressed in song
Hobbies: mixing, listening to music, interior deco, car sound systems, hot food
Pets: A cat named Peanut
Girlfriend: No..boo hoo
What is the funniest thing that has ever happened on the road: This one time I was walking and I was
really tired because we had been playing a pretty tough schedule, so anyways, I was walkin down the
street and... well I forget the rest of that story. I'm pretty sure it was hilarious though.
How long have you been playing your respective instrument?: Since I was 12
What advice do you offer to aspiring musicians?: If you really have a problem is aspiring, Arm and
Hammer deoderant works for me